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Created to Make

17 & 24 June, 1 & 8 July 2024
10:30 am

St Barnabas Dalston, London

A short course on Art and the Bible, as part of our Public Programme for the Artist Studio Residency

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Morphē Arts recently launched a six month Artist Residency Programme in London, with four artists in residence. The residency includes a Monday programme of seminars, crits and workshops, some of which we are opening up as part of our public programme.

Created to Make will be led by Morphē Co-Director Alastair Gordon, and will run on the following dates:

17 & 24 June, 1 & 8 July: 10.30am-12.30pm (lunch included 12.30-1.30pm).

£10 per session, including lunch

For more information please contact ally@morphearts.org or sarah@morphearts.org

Morphē Arts is a registered charity and relies on donations and funding to exist. All money raised through this course will go towards our activities supporting artists across the UK.

Session List:

1. The Creativity of God— 17 June

In the beginning, God created. We only need to look five words into the bible to see creativity is at the heart of God’s character. In the Genesis account, we see a blueprint for the arts in the creation story. We see how God creates with dignity, rhythm, diversity, order, and perhaps even intuition. At the start we see the imagination of God worked out in his reoccurring anthem, ‘Let there be… and it was good’. How else can we respond but like the creation itself which declares the glory of God?

​2. The Making of Man— 24 June

Where God creates, humans make. Scripture offers distinctive language for human art including words that indicate design, worship, and bringing forth. From Genesis, the nature of art is connected with ideas of beauty and truth. In this session, we consider the art of Adam as the first human and artist in the Bible. From there we look at the first art collaboration in the Bible and their designer leader, Bezalel, the first described as filled with the Spirit.

3. Through a Glass, Darkly— 1 July

As all creation became subject to the fall so also the arts remain broken. In this session, we see how art became an idol of hearts and minds for God’s people. We also consider how God works through art to punch holes in the darkness, offering healing, balm and even lament through music, words, and pictures. Even in the darkness, we see glimpses of the new creation.

​4. Cleaning Windows in the New Creation— 8 July

The new creation is so good it cannot help but seep through. In this final lecture, we consider how the arts are being renewed through the work of God’s Spirit and may point us toward his return. We consider the abundance of the new creation, offered in glimpses now through the arts. We reflect on the possibilities for art in the life yet to come and how that may influence the way we make and review art today.

(Title Image Reference)

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